瑞典Acconeer AB公司雷达感测器与晶强实业股份有限公司(Chip Power) 签订台湾总代理4
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晶强实业股份有限公司 235 新北市中和区南华路67号2楼
      Netsol,其前身为韩国Samsung SRAM事业部,独立后持续进行SRAM记忆体的研发及创新,在SRAM产品领域里拥有完整的产品线领域:非同步Asynchronous SRAM (Low Power SRAM , High Speed SRAM), 同步Synchronous SRAM (QDR Quadruple SRAM / DDR SRAM / Sync Pipeline Burst SRAM / Sync Flow-Through SRAM / NT Flow-Through SRAM ), 国际上知名的客户例如:  AYAYA,CISCO,RIGOL,NEC等。所有SRAM产品可与ISSI,Cypress,GSI,Alliance,Lyontek之系列产品完全兼容取代,并且所有产品皆为工规,在许多客户所需条件具有一定优势。       晶强实业股份有限公司为Netsol在台湾之正式代理商,能提供相关产品讯息及工程支援,如有SRAM相关需求,欢迎跟我们联系,联络窗口: 晶强实业股份有限公司 TEL:(02)2929-3220  分机18 FAX:(02)2929-3221 E-mail: samchang@cpjc.com.tw http://www.cpjc.com.tw   Netsol, whose predecessor was the Samsung SRAM Division of South Korea, has continued to develop and create credit for SRAM memory after being independent, and has a complete product line in the field of SRAM products: Asynchronous SRAM (Low Power SRAM, High Speed SRAM), Synchronous SRAM (QDR Quadruple SRAM / DDR SRAM / Sync Pipeline Burst SRAM / Sync Flow-Through SRAM / NT Flow-Through SRAM), internationally renowned customers such as: AYAYA, CISCO, RIGOL, NEC etc.  All SRAM products can be fully compatible with ISSI, Cypress, GSI, Alliance, Lyontek products, and all products are industrial temperature, which have certain advantages in many customer requirements.      Chip Power Technology Corp. is the official agent of Netsol in Taiwan, which can provide related product information and engineering support.  If you have SRAM-related needs, please contact us. Contact window: Chip Power Technology Corp. TEL:(02)2929-3220 ext. 18 FAX:(02)2929-3221 E-mail: samchang@cpjc.com.tw http://www.cpjc.com.tw https://www.cpjc.com.tw/hot_413089.html 晶强实业股份有限公司为Netsol在台湾之正式代理商,提供相关产品讯息及工程支援,如有SRAM相关需求,欢迎跟我们联系 2023-09-26 2024-09-26
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瑞典Acconeer AB公司雷达感测器与晶强实业股份有限公司(Chip Power) 签订台湾总代理

已於5月底结束的台北国际电脑展(COMPUTEX 2019),吸引来自 24 个国家共 467 家新创公司参展,其中瑞典上市公司Acconeer AB公司的3D感测技术,以极低功耗和毫米(微米)精准度sensor感测器为设计开发人员及其公司最佳的解决方案。

雷达感测器基於同调脉冲雷达技术,结合了极低的功耗和高精度。该独特性可在先进的感测器应用中识别材料并检测运动。体积小,仅约5x5 mm,功耗低,是小型电池驱动和移动设备的最佳选择。

1. 天线已内建在晶片中,客户不需烦恼 RF PCB Layout问题。
2. 省电、不受干扰、体积小且资料更新速度快(1500Hz vs 50Hz)并可封闭在装置内不外露。优於红外线量测精密,取代红外线测距之应用。
3. 更优於超音波应用,取代超音波装置设计一定要外露之问题。
4. Acconeer 雷达波可辨识不同物质,这是超音波与红外线无法做到的。

晶强实业股份有限公司Chip Power Technology Corp.日前已与Acconeer公司签订台湾总代理。协议包括Pulsed Coherent Radar sensor A1产品,modules和 Evaluation kit,涵盖整个台湾市场。晶强实业公司的专业团队,能帮助台湾使用感测器开发相关产品的设计人员及公司,加速开发应用产品,并降低其成本。

Acconeer执行长Lars Lindell表示,很高兴能与晶强实业公司(Chip Power)签署此协议。台湾的科技发展全球瞩目,是我们推广计画重要一步,布局台湾市场进而增加能见度及销售量。从Digi-Key公司的销售中,我们看到了台湾各大电子公司对其感测器产品感到高度兴趣,因此顺应市场需求与台湾的晶强实业公司(Chip Power)成为合作伙伴。

晶强实业公司(Chip Power)总经理任国廷Steven表示:我们目前进行数个专案中,客户对其高精密低功率的雷达感测器感到高度兴趣。遍寻相关感测器产品,其中Acconeer感测器的专利技术,为最佳的设计应用。台湾的消费电子市场庞大,Acconeer全新且颠覆性技术的产品,我们期待为台湾的电子行业领导者提供相关服务。

晶强实业股份有限公司(CP)任国廷Steven Phone:02-2929 3220, Mail: stevenjen@cpjc.com.tw
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10 218 92 00, Mail: ir@acconeer.com

关於Acconeer AB,Acconeer是一家领先的雷达感测器公司,总部位於瑞典南部的隆德,位於该国科学园区中最热门的无线技术区域。 Acconeer开发卓越的超低功耗,高精度3D 感测,将彻底改变行动装置应用於周围环境方式让生活更便利。 Acconeers超低功耗和毫米(微米)精准度感测,势必成为强大且降低成本的最佳最优解决方案。其产品适用於虚拟实境、游戏安全和机器人控制等等多方面的应用。感测器的讯号资讯用於识别不同的材料应用,其应用领域非常广泛。 Acconeer在纳斯达克第一北斯德哥尔摩上市,股票代码为ACCON,Redeye是该公司的认证顾问(CA),电话+46(0)8 121 576 90或mail: certifiedadviser@redeye.se

Acconeer signs a distribution agreement with Taiwanese Chip Power  Technology  

The radar technology company Acconeer AB has signed a distribution agreement with Chip Power Technology of Taiwan. Chip Power is a leading distributor in Taiwan. Initially, the agreement includes the Pulsed Coherent Radar sensor A1 product, modules and Evaluation kit and covers the Taiwanese market.

Lars Lindell, CEO of Acconeer, comments “We are very pleased that we can announce the signing of this agreement with Chip Power Technology. This is an important step in our rollout strategy and will enable us to ship products in volume in the Taiwanese market. From our sales at Digi-Key, we have seen considerable interest from large electronics companies in Taiwan so a logical next step was to find a partner that can represent and sell our products.”

Steven Jen,  General Manager of Chip Power, comments “Chip Power have followed Acconeer for a long time and seen very strong interest from our customers in their unique radar sensor. We currently have several ongoing projects where Acconeer radar solution looks to be the best fit. The Taiwanese consumer electronic market is very large and Acconeer is bringing a completely new and potentially disruptive technology to the market. We look forward to serving Acconeer for electronics industry leaders in Taiwan.”

For additional information, please contact:

Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone +46 10 218 92 00, Mail: ir@acconeer.com

Steven Jen, General Manager  Chip Power , Phone +886 2 2929 3220, Mail: stevenjen@cpjc.com.tw

About Chip Power Technology Corp.(CP) was founded in June 2010 as a professional components distributor. We provided total solutions with technical material , such MCU , Memory ,radar sensor and IC to communication or industrial  customers. Unlike conventional component representatives who provide only quotations and delivery dates. Through my professional team which can help customers solve bottleneck in product development and provide customers with more solutions. In turn, it accelerates product development time and improves product quality.

About Acconeer AB

Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country’s hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company’s Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail certifiedadviser@redeye.se