
首頁 ﹥ 特色簡介


關於晶強實業股份有限公司Chip Power Technology Corp.(CP)成立於2010年6月,是一家專業的元件代理商。我們為通信或工業客 戶提供技術資料,如MCU,Memory ,radar sensor和IC的整體解決方案。與僅提供報價和交付日期的傳統組件代理不同,透過我的專業團隊幫助客戶解決產品開發的瓶頸,並提供客戶更多解決方案。進而加速產品開發的時間並提高產品的質量。公司代理多項國內外的產品,包含NETSOL/ SRAM、New Vision Display/ 液晶觸控模組,瑞典公司Acconeer公司雷達感測器產品、ANT/ DC Power Converter,G.I.C. Giant InfoTech Corp.產品等,提供多樣產品及完整的服務,竭誠邀請您一起合作成長,並共創雙贏。

  Chip Power Technology Corp.(CP) was founded in June 2010 as a professional components distributor. We provided total solutions with technical material, such as Memory, radar sensor, and IC to communication or industrial customers. Unlike conventional component representatives who provide only quotations and delivery dates, Through my professional team can help customers solve bottlenecks in product development and provide customers with more solutions. In turn, it accelerates product development time and improves product quality.

服務內容: 電子零件產品銷售及服務,SRAM,DC/DC Converter,Radar sensor,Fast Track,Fast Track